Exit Through The Gift Shop (Banksy)

The story of how an eccentric French shop keeper and amateur film maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner. The film contains footage of Banksy, Shephard Fairey, Invader and many of the world’s most infamous graffiti artists at work.

For all you die-hard Banksy fanatics here is the latest direction for this guerilla street artist. A documentary about Banksy, his work, and his opinions on life and art which had an exclusive viewing at Sundance a few days back. Shot by Mr. Brainwash. Take a look at the trailer below or visit www.banksyfilm.com for more info.

Acerca de Vandalox

The Owner & Creator Of "Vandalox Clothing Company" and "Vandalox Society:Blog"

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